Bow Down And Worship Me- Matthew 4:8-10

In these verses, we have come to the third temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness. As we will recall, these three temptations can be interpreted in light of […]

If You Are The Son Of God- Matthew 4:5-7

As we continue in our examination of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, we now come to the second of the three, and we will examine this particular temptation […]

Tell These Stones To Become Bread- Matthew 4:3

In our next series of posts, will we undertake an examination of the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4, examining why Jesus was tempted in these particular […]

Sin That Leads to Death- 1 John 5:16-17

We will recall, from our previous post, that this portion of 1 John is written to believers. In this verse, John writes of “sin that does not lead to death”, […]

We Have What We Asked- 1 John 5:13-15

As we begin our study of this portion of 1 John 5, we begin with a statement by John telling us clearly what his primary purpose is in writing this […]

Wrestling With God- Genesis 32:22-30

In this familiar story, we find the account of Jacob “wrestling” with God. This story is often understood as an example of persevering prayer, of Jacob “prevailing” in prayer due […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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