The Spirit Our Advocate- John 14:17-26

In our previous post, we examined Jesus’ use of the term parakletos in reference to the Holy Spirit, how the Spirit would be our advocate on earth, working to remind […]

Think on These Things- Philippians 4:7-9

In our previous post, we observed that Paul commanded the church (in Philippians 4:4-6) to be joyful and gentle, rather than being anxious, and we saw that his prescribed method […]

The Spirit Helps Us In Our Weakness- Romans 8:26

In our previous post, we examined Paul’s thorn in the flesh, and how he saw it as a gift from God to help him be aware of his own weakness, […]

Jesus Baptism- Matthew 3:11-17

In this passage, Jesus goes to John the Baptist to be baptized by John (verse 13). In verse 14, John tries to deter Jesus, telling Him that “I need to […]

Grace is Sufficient- 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

We have seen that Paul’s thorn in the flesh most likely was in the form of false apostles, false teachers in the church who openly opposed him and cause him […]

Thorn in the Flesh- 2 Corinthians 12:7

In our previous post, we examined Paul’s boasting in his accomplishments and experiences , and how this boasting made him so uncomfortable he referred to himself almost like someone else. […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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