Every Man a Liar?- Romans 3:4

In Romans 3:4, Paul tells us to “Let God be true and every man a liar”. We will look more closely at this unusual statement, for Paul tells us something […]

Help My Unbelief- Mark 9:24

In this verse, a man has brought his son to Jesus to be freed from demon possession. He comes first to the disciples, who try but are not able to […]

Pulling Down Strongholds- 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

In our previous post, we examined the importance of setting our minds, that what we set our minds on is the critical factor in determining what we end up saying […]

Living a New Life- Romans 8:4-5

In our previous post, we began an examination of Paul’s instruction to the believer on how to go about living a new life, how to live out the fact that […]

Living a New Life- Romans 6:4-14

In Romans 6:4, Paul tells believers they have died with Christ and been raised from the dead with Him in order that they may “live a new life”. The Greek […]

The Fruit of Reconciliation- 1 Peter 4:1-11

In our previous post, we have seen that the price has been paid to bring about our reconciliation, that the death of Jesus was the exchange which enabled our broken […]

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Pure Spiritual Milk

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