Salvation in Three Tenses (Part Two)- 1Peter 1:1-12

We continue our examination of salvation in 1Peter 1 in verse 5. Here we are told that all who are born again are “through faith shielded by God’s power until […]

Salvation in Three Tenses (Part One)- 1Peter 1:1-12

The term salvation is very familiar to Christians, but exactly what does it mean to be “saved”? The Greek word translated “to save” in the New Testament is sozo. This […]

Captive to a Philosophy- Colossians 2:6-8

In this passage, Paul describes for us how the enemy seeks to take us captive through a “philosophy”, a way of looking at the world, a way of interpreting reality. […]

Mastered by our Worldview (Part Two)- Matthew 6:19-24

In verses 22 and 23, Jesus reinforces His teaching on worldview, changing the metaphor from storing up treasure to seeing with the eyes. We are told first that “The eye […]

Mastered by our Worldview (Part One)- Matthew 6:19-24

As seen in the previous post, our worldview is the basic assumptions we make about reality, the way we “see” things. In Matthew 6, we find Jesus teaching on this […]

The Birth of a Worldview- Genesis 3

In our previous post, we saw Adam and Eve choose to determine for themselves what is true or false, right or wrong. This is the act which brought sin into […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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