We Share in His Glory?- Romans 8:17

In this passage, Paul tells believers here that it has been made possible for us to share in the glory of Christ. What could he possibly mean by this, what […]

What is Faith?- Hebrews 11

After giving a definition of faith in the opening verse of Hebrews11, the writer then provides a long list of historical examples of faith in the remainder of the chapter. […]

What is Faith?- Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11:1 provides for us a biblical definition of faith, telling us what faith “is”. We find here that it is the “substance of things hoped for”. Is faith then […]

True Freedom- John 8:31-36

In this passage, Jesus tells us of the way to true freedom, which comes in “knowing the truth”, but this is an unusual kind of knowing to which He refers […]

Spiritual or Worldly?- 1 Corinthians 3:1-4

In this passage, Paul refers to the church at Corinth as worldly rather than spiritual. He begins here by telling the Corinthians that “I could not address you as spiritual […]

Are We in God’s Will?- Colossians 1:9-12

In Colossians 1:10-12, Paul gives us a list of ways through whiçh we can know if we are in the will of God. He prays that we may know God’s […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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