The Son Of Man- Mark 10:45

In this verse, and in the Gospels as a whole, Jesus refers to Himself by the title the “Son of Man”. This is, in fact, the only term which Jesus […]

Who Is Your Master?- Matthew 6:24

In this verse, Jesus concludes His series of related teachings, bringing us to the climax of this teaching and presenting the primary thing He wants His listeners to understand from […]

Repentance and Faith- Luke 18:18-23

This post will examine Jesus encounter with a rich ruler, in order to see how Jesus interacts with him and what type of “evangelism” Jesus employs and how it compares […]

Build On The Rock- Matthew 7:24-27

As we come to the conclusion of Jesus Sermon on the Mount, we find that Jesus concludes here with a parable, a story from real life intended to help us […]

I Never Knew You- Matthew 7:22-23

As we continue in our examination of the conclusion to Jesus Sermon on the Mount, we are looking at Jesus warning to those who call Him Lord but do not […]

Whose Kingdom Are We Building?- Matthew 7:21

As we continue in our examination of the conclusion of Jesus Sermon on the Mount, we find that Jesus now continues on in the theme of recognizing someone by their […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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