The Hope of Deliverance- 2 Corinthians 1:10

In our previous post, we examined Paul’s usage of the Greek rhyomai in this passage, concluding that the context here and his customary usage of this word is as meaning […]

He Will Deliver Us- 2 Corinthians 1:10

In our previous post, we examined how God used the circumstances which Paul was facing to produce “despair” in Paul. What this essentially means is that Paul could see no […]

Demolish Every Pretension- 2 Corinthians 10:5 (Part Two)

We will recall that, in our previous post, we examined the ability of the weapons of the Spirit to demolish “arguments”, that all human “philosophies” are built upon “certainties”, things […]

God’s Very Own People- Titus 2:14

In the verse we are studying, Paul refers to believers as a people who are “God’s very own”, using the Greek expression laos periousios here in reference to those whom […]

Gave Himself For Us- Titus 2:14

In this post, we will examine Titus 2:14, which reads as follows in the NIV: “who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for […]

His Glorious Appearing- Titus 2:13

In our previous post, we examined the blessed hope which is promised to all believers, that it is possible to live life without being burdened down by the worries and […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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