You Created My Inmost Being- Psalm 139:13

As we continue in our examination of this Psalm, we now begin the second part of the Psalm. This Psalm divides neatly into two parts, with the second part building […]

When Darkness Becomes As Light- Psalm 139:11-12

As we continue in our examination of Psalm 139, we come to the conclusion of the first part of the Psalm, which is written in two parts. The passage at […]

I Hide Myself in You- Psalm 143:9

As we continue in our examination of this Psalm, we recall from our previous post that David has come to the end of himself, and come to the one thing […]

Past Issues- Psalm 143:5-6

As we continue in our study of Psalm 143, we recall that David reports being harassed by an enemy, that the enemy of his soul has been whispering in his […]

The Weaker Vessel?- 1 Peter 3:7

In His first epistle, Peter refers to women, in the verse at hand, as the “weaker vessel”. This verse has sometimes been interpreted as referring to the female partner in […]

Why We Wear Veils- 2 Corinthians 3:13-15

As we continue in our examination of 2 Corinthians 3, we find Paul returning to the concept of Moses and the “fading glory”. Moses had been in the very presence […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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