The Power of the Cross- 1 Corinthians 1:18-24

In our previous post, we briefly examined the Greek understanding of power, and how true wisdom, in this philosophy, consisted of learning how to tap into the power of the […]

The Power of God- First Corinthians 1:18-32

In this passage, Paul refers to Jesus Christ through the use of the phrase “the power of God”. This is a phrase used more than once in the New Testament, […]

God Justifies the Ungodly-Romans 4:5

We have seen that justification is the act of God by which He declares as righteous those who accept by faith the righteous works which Jesus performed on their behalf […]

Suppressing the Truth- Romans 1:18-25

In this passage Paul tells us how the wrath of God is displayed against those who choose to reject Him and live their lives in opposition to him. He begins, […]

The Evidence of Things Unseen- Hebrews 11:1

In Hebrews 11, the Bible tells us what faith is, it is the “substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen”. In our previous post, we examined the […]

Reason or Revelation- Colossians 2:6-8

In this passage, Paul has told the Colossians of his struggles for them and of the struggles they would also undergo in the world. He now tells them how they […]

Pure Spiritual Milk

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